Sunday, August 31, 2008

[YouTube] A Boot to the Head

No pirating of free things is allowed, apparently.

I like Game Maker. I've been using it since version 5, which is, by-the-way, the version I use now. Why? Because, when YoYo Games bought Game Maker from LEEROY JENKINS!, err, I mean, Mark Overmars, they decided it would be a good idea to use Softwrap! Next to StarDisk (I think that's what it's called), this is the worst protection you could pick (unhonorable mention: Steam).

They didn't want their full version pirated. Understandable. They released a free version, and protected it with SoftWrap. There's registered and unregistered, and when the thing tells me, right after using the official installer, that it thinks I'm pirating the UNREGISTERED/FREE version, then that pretty much means there are going to be two people losing there head, one figuratively, one literally.

So then I try Game Maker 6. It worked before installing 7, but now it doesn't. Okay, 3 people.

So I go back to 5. If it didn't work, 5 people. It did, however. Yay!

But Google doesn't think "Yay" is a word. 4.

In conclusion, I beat teh eval soft-rappas and teh world was safe ah-gains. Teh fin.

No harm came to anyone from this. The only person who lost their head was me, figuratively, of course. After all, I ain't going around with Magus and an Aussie girl named Kid trying to find FROZEN FIRE!

[Filler] I ain't sure "n00bity" is a word.

I was typing up a post to some forum, and I typed both the words ain't and n00bity. We all know ain't is a word. If you don't, look in a dictionary, and you see it's a contraction of both "are not" and "am not". Guess what; it marked ain't as wrong and n00bity as right. Yeah, lets look that up in a dictionary.

"n00bity adj. Of or relating to Google's dictionary. See also: Leeroy Jenkins"

Wait, what's that? I was typing that paragraph, and it said "words" wasn't a word, well the first 2 letters, anyway. Oh, and now it says "wasn't" isn't a word.

[Filler] N-N--NES

I was looking at a site, and under the heading "Nintendo" was "Nintendo NES". NES means "Nintendo Entertainment System", so in all, it said, "Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo Entertainment System." Why do I even mention this? Come on, say it! Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo Entertainment System! It rolls of the tongue while at the same time it doesn't. Odd, ain't it.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ligers and Tigons and Leoliguars, oh my!

We all know about Ligers. But did you know about the Tigon? You see, a mix between a lion and a tiger isn't always a liger. A male tiger and a female lion mating produces a liger offspring. Switch the genders around, however, and you've got a tigon.

Also interesting is are li/ti-ligers/tigons. You see, ligers and tigons are known by all to be infertile. But that's only half true. The males are infertile, but the females are fertile. If a female tigon mates with a lion, you get a li-tigon. If a female tigon mates with a tiger, you get a ti-tigon. If a female liger mates with a lion, you get a li-liger. If a female liger mates with a tiger, you get a ti-liger.

But are lions and tiger the only big cats that can mate? No, there's:
  1. the Jaguar and Leopard hybrids, the Jagupard, the Leguar, and the Lijagulep;
  2. the Jaguar and Lion hybrids, the Jaglion, the Liguar, and the Leoliguar;
  3. the Leopard and Lion hybrids, the Leopon, the Liard, and the Leoligulor;
  4. and the Leopard and Tiger hybrids, the Dogla and the Tigard;
  5. but not the Jaguar and Tiger. Weird, eh?
Oh, and want to control time? Get a Blynx.

Hey, Wyatt

My email address is Email me sometime, or else your face will burn breakfast for dinner! And include your last name, so I know it's you and not some random stranger. See you at school!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alpha Centauri Reached

The following is copyrighted (c) 2008 by myself:

NOTE: Ignore the asterisk. I'm working with notepad, and can't find the degrees symbol.

Alpha Centauri Reached

Fox News has received conformation that Space Station 27 has reached Alpha Centauri. The Delta Foxtrot research team landed earlier this month, but the faster-than-light-transfer communications device installation took longer than expected. Now that it is installed, we can have an interview in realtime without even a millisecond of delay. That's exactly what we did, and in the interview (which we have been forbidden from releasing in full), we found out some interesting information.

Some of the main biotic factors are the Betanites, the Detrites, the Feline Detrivite, the Phinates, the Lambatra, the Atrovites, Ark-light, and the Arkanauts.

Betanites are flagellates that use absorb energy from excess chemicals from plants via osmosis. They are eaten by Arkanauts, creatures resembling the average earthworm, save for the mouth and the teeth in said mouth. The main decomposer is the Detrite. There are small, acorn-like plants called Atrovites, which are the primary food source of the Lambatra. A Lambatra looks like a source between a squirrel and a chipmunk, and acts like one, too. There is also the Phinate, which looks like a slug with fangs. It's venom is powerful enough to kill an elephant in 2 minutes flat. Finally, there is the feline Detrivite, a breed cat which was slightly mutated after exposure to the substance tiber. The successful breeding experiment shows that the atmosphere can safely support Earth's lifeforms.

Alpha Centauri has large amounts of water on the surface. The air is almost pure oxygen, which would usually be good, but in such an uncontrolled and unexplored area, this can be extremely dangerous. The surface temperature of the planet is about 69*F.

There appeared to be, at first, a large amount of grass. It was later discovered that the "grass" was really something now called "Ark-Light" (so named because of it's apparent glow), which uses chemosynthesis to transform the chemical tiber trioxide into energy. A Phinate alternates between releasing tiber monoxide with each breath. The Lambatra requires tiber monoxide to breath and it exhales tiber dioxide, which the Phinate needs to breath. This cycle is called the tiber cycle.

Everyone in America is excited about these developments, and we'll update you as soon we receive any more information.

Hello, my name is Abe. Follow me.

Hi, I'm D1Hazel! I have a blog. I named my blog D1Hazel's Blog. You are reading text that I have written. I am Captain Obvious. You can skip this paragraph if you don't feel you need to read this paragraph.

Now for something completely different: Hello, welcome to my blog. You can call me LEEROY JENKINS! Or not. Doesn't really matter to me. I like video games. I make video games. I play Final Fantasy VII on my Xbox. What will Square Enix do when they get to the thirtieth game? Anyway, I will be reviewing games. And other things, too. Like my science project.