Sunday, August 31, 2008

No pirating of free things is allowed, apparently.

I like Game Maker. I've been using it since version 5, which is, by-the-way, the version I use now. Why? Because, when YoYo Games bought Game Maker from LEEROY JENKINS!, err, I mean, Mark Overmars, they decided it would be a good idea to use Softwrap! Next to StarDisk (I think that's what it's called), this is the worst protection you could pick (unhonorable mention: Steam).

They didn't want their full version pirated. Understandable. They released a free version, and protected it with SoftWrap. There's registered and unregistered, and when the thing tells me, right after using the official installer, that it thinks I'm pirating the UNREGISTERED/FREE version, then that pretty much means there are going to be two people losing there head, one figuratively, one literally.

So then I try Game Maker 6. It worked before installing 7, but now it doesn't. Okay, 3 people.

So I go back to 5. If it didn't work, 5 people. It did, however. Yay!

But Google doesn't think "Yay" is a word. 4.

In conclusion, I beat teh eval soft-rappas and teh world was safe ah-gains. Teh fin.

No harm came to anyone from this. The only person who lost their head was me, figuratively, of course. After all, I ain't going around with Magus and an Aussie girl named Kid trying to find FROZEN FIRE!

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